Wednesday 3 July 2013

Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

Inspirational Quotes Biography
In 1931, Harriet Monroe decided to present her poetry library, her personal papers, and the editorial files of Poetry magazine as a gift to the University of Chicago. Following her death in 1936, the Monroe library and Poetry archives were received as a bequest and installed in a specially designated room in Wieboldt Hall, the modern languages building on the campus of the University of Chicago. The Modern Poetry Library room provided book shelves for the poetry collection, display cases for the letters and manuscripts of notable poets in the Poetry archives, and equipment for listening to recordings of poets reading their works.

The formal opening of the Harriet Monroe Library of Modern Poetry was marked by a festive dinner of the University of Chicago Friends of the Library on May 24, 1938. Guest speakers paying tribute to Harriet Monroe's achievements included Carl Sandburg, Archibald MacLeish, Ford Maddox Ford, George Dillon, and Sterling North. Messages lauding Monroe's remarkable influence were received from many of the poets she had encouraged and promoted, including Ezra Pound, Walter De La Mare, William Rose Benét, Witter Bynner, John Gould Fletcher, Edgar Lee Masters, Lew Sarett, Jean Starr Untermeyer, and John Hall Wheelock, among others.

In addition to the gift of her library and archives, Harriet Monroe's will also provided $5,000 to establish a fund for the advancement and encouragement of poetry through the award of a $500 prize for distinction in poetry. Monroe stipulated that the committee of award for the prize should give preference to "poets of progressive rather than academic tendencies." The inaugural Harriet Monroe Poetry Award, given at the University of Chicago in June 1941, was presented to twenty-eight-year-old Muriel Rukeyser. Among those receiving the award in later years were Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and Robert Lowell.

In 1953, the Harriet Monroe Modern Poetry Library was incorporated within the newly established Department of Special Collections of the University of Chicago Library. In 2002, this department became the Special Collections Research Center. The Modern Poetry book collection, enlarged continuously on an annual basis with the support of an endowed acquisition fund, is divided between a poetry collection in the general stacks of Regenstein Library and the Modern Poetry rare books and serials in the Special Collections Research Center. The editorial archives of Poetry magazine, the personal papers of Harriet Monroe, and the papers of other modern poets and editors and publishers of poetry are held as part of the manuscript collections in the Special Collections Research Center.
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Inspirational Quotes 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

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