Tuesday 2 July 2013

Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

Poetry English Biography
The most celebrated lyric form of the period was the sonnet, which the scholar and poet Petrarch (1304-74) had perfected in Italy. Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42) introduced the form to Renaissance England, where Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey (1517-47) is said to have fixed the rhyme scheme for the sonnet's standard fourteen lines: abab, cdcd, efef, gg. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) used the form to write lasting poetry.

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Opening page of a 1720 illustrated edition of Paradise Lost by John Milton. Photo courtesy of wikimedia.org.
The Earl of Surrey is also said to have invented blank (unrhymed) verse. The brilliant young poet Christopher Marlowe (1564-93) used this form in his writing for the English theatre, but his early death allowed Shakespeare to fashion blank verse into a medium for his own much-celebrated plays.

Perhaps the greatest Renaissance figure in English poetry was John Milton (1608-74) who, when aged and blind, created his masterpiece, Paradise Lost (published 1667). He was already blind in 1652, when he was acting as Latin Secretary to Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth of England, and was assisted in carrying out his duties by another remarkable poet, Andrew Marvell (1621-78). Marvell belonged to a group of writers whose preoccupations won for them the title of the Metaphysical Poets.
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry English 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

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