Tuesday 6 August 2013

Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

Poetry For Friends Biography
The earliest known Western poetry consists of two acknowledged Greek masterpieces--the Iliad and the Odyssey. Both of these works are attributed to the legendary Homer, who is supposed to have been a blind wandering minstrel living in Greece in a period put at various times between the eleventh and seventh centuries B.C. The Iliad and the Odyssey are epics--that is, they are long narrative poems about the deeds of heroes. The Iliad tells of the siege of Troy and the Odyssey of Odysseus's (known to the Romans as Ulysses) wanderings after the siege and his journey home.
From its beginning, Latin or Roman poetry was heavily influenced by the Greeks. In the middle of the third century B.C. the Latin poet Livius Andronicus made a translation of the Odyssey--the earliest Latin poetry of any significance surviving today. The first work of real independence however, was the Annals of Ennius (239-169 B.C.), an historical epic of which only fragments survive. Many Roman writers who came after him are still deeply admired. They include Lucretius who in the first century B.C. wrote On the Nature of Things, which has been called the West's greatest philosophical poem--and Virgil (c. 70-19 B.C.) who, among other works, wrote the celebrated national epic, the Aeneid.
The medieval period witnessed the emergence of a variety of poetry written in the vernacular. The epic masterpieces of the age included the Old English alliterative poem Beowulf, France's La Chanson de Roland and the Spanish Poema del Cid. There was also religious poetry, versified romance, and lyric poetry (literally poetry to be accompanied by a lyre, but also subjective poetry imbued with melody and feeling).

The great names among medieval poets included Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340-1400), Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), and the notable Parisian thief and brawler, Francois Villon (c. 1431-63).
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos
Poetry For Friends 2013 Pics Pictures Images Photos

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