Tuesday 10 September 2013

Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures

Birthday Poetry Biography
William Shakespeare's 18th sonnet has long been representative of the scribe's ability to infuse common words with uncommon significance and in the process, create some of the most inspiring love poetry of all times.

While a poem of any kind is refreshing to read, a love poem has an especially curious effect. Somehow, a well-written love poem induces us to relive those feelings of affection, attraction, and adoration. Poets like Shakespeare and Keats wrote their best verses while actually experiencing this unexplained emotion. Their love, whether fulfilled or unrequited, shines through the captivatingly crafted veil of words.

Reading love poetry helps to connect with your innermost feelings. The magical combinations of syllables convey an array of emotions and you live the poem. From that tender first look to the growing adoration; the softening of the heart and quickening of the pulse; the moment of confession, the joy of acceptance or burn of rejection; envy, jealousy, adulation, admiration, delight, disappointment, passion, piety, rapture, respect..., and a million other feelings flit through the heart.

If your sweetheart appreciates the fine nuance of feelings and emotions knitted into words, feel free to quote from the master-poets themselves. However, if you really want to impress her, write a poem of your own. It could just be a series of rhymes, somewhat awkward or forced, but the fact that you are taking the time and effort to create something for her will make the deepest impression and may take you those last few steps towards winning her heart.

There are a number of forms with which to experiment. Try your hand at a limerick: a light verse of five lines with the rhyme scheme of aabba. Attempt a couplet that consists of a pair of rhyming lines and you may even want to create a series of couplets. The more adventurous may want to try a haiku: a Japanese lyric form of poetry with three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Whether you write sonnets or blank verse - much will inspire you when you are in love. Nature, beauty, and the object of your affection will infuse your mind with the most lyrical thoughts and you need but to note them down before they flit away.

Yes, love and poetry have a special relationship. Sometimes, feelings of love inspire us to write poems, at other times, the poems penned by scribes help in winning over a loved one's heart. In either case, a love poem tends to represent much more than the words on a page. It stands for all that is good and beautiful and worth cherishing in the world.
Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Birthday Poetry 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures

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