Monday 30 September 2013

Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures

Poetry Contest Biography
Poetry has been around longer than you or I, and guess what?  It's been around longer than writing has.  Poetry predates literacy.  The earliest poetry was supposedly orally recited or sung.  Poetry was an important aspect of ancient culture due to its use of passing on myths and tales, remembering oral history, and even law.
Poetry is from the Greek word poesis, meaning "making" or "creating".  Poets originally used words that sounded pleasing to the ears because it was solely a verbal art at the time, not yet a written.  Poetry was passed down through gene rations before writing and reading became daily and crucial pieces of society.
Troubadours and actors were some of the many who passed these poems on. As poetry aged, and writing and reading became more used skills, poetry evolved. It gained a variety of thousands of different structures.
Though poetry gained a focus on pleasing the eyes with written word play, spoken word and slam poetry are still very alive and kicking.
Aestheticians later identified three main genres: epic poetry, lyric poetry and dramatic poetry.  Comedy and tragedy were considered sub-genres of dramatic poetry.
Much poetry of this era was religious and centered around courtly love, though secular poetry was still widely popular. Beowulf  is an example of a popular secular English epic, one that still retains popularity today.
A lot of minstrels and bards adopted secular poems and spread them through out Europe in their manner of singing and performance.  Through this, most secular poems came to be heard only accompanied with instruments and singing as ballads and lays.
Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Poetry Contest 2013 Pics Images Photos Pictures

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