Sunday 15 June 2014

Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures

Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures

Little maidens, when you look 
On this little story-book, 
Reading with attentive eye 
Its enticing history, 
Never think that hours of play 
Are your only HOLIDAY, 
And that in a HOUSE of joy 
Lessons serve but to annoy: 
If in any HOUSE you find 
Children of a gentle mind, 
Each the others pleasing ever-- 
Each the others vexing never-- 
Daily work and pastime daily 
In their order taking gaily-- 
Then be very sure that they 
Have a life of HOLIDAY.

 In those years, people will say, we lost track
of the meaning of we, of you
we found ourselves
reduced to I
and the whole thing became
silly, ironic, terrible:
we were trying to live a personal life
and yes, that was the only life
we could bear witness to
But the great dark birds of history screamed and plunged
into our personal weather
They were headed somewhere else but their beaks and pinions drove
along the shore, through the rags of fog
where we stood, saying I
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
Famous Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures

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