Friday 13 June 2014

Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures

Victorian Poetry Biography


Matthew Arnold (24 December 1822 – 15 April 1888) was a British poet and cultural critic who worked as an inspector of schools.  Matthew Arnold frequently wrote on contemporary social issues, using his poetry to influence opinion.  He was also interested in issues of faith and religion, such as found in his most famous poem – Dover Beach.
Biography Matthew Arnold
MATTHEW, ARNOLD(1822-1888). Matthew Arnold was the son of Thomas Arnold, who was a noted and innovative headmaster of Rugby school. Matthew Arnold studied at Rugby and Balliol College, Oxford. After graduating he returned to Rugby for a short time to teaching classics In 1851 he married and after this he began work as a schools inspector. This was a demanding job but enabled him to travel widely throughout the UK and Europe.
His early poetic works included Empedocles on Etna(1852) and Poems(1853) these established his reputation as a poet. In 1857 he was appointed to be professor of poetry at Oxford University a post he held for ten years. He was the first professor to lecture in English rather than Latin. During his time as professor of poetry at Oxford Matthew produced many essays of literary criticism such as ‘On Translating Homer’(1861 and 1862), ‘On the Study of Celtic Literature’(1867), and ‘Essays in Celtic Literature’
Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures
 Victorian Poetry 2014 Pics Images Photos Pictures

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